Roma Vaquero Diaz
Artista multidisciplinaria, performera e investigadora. Sus proyectos incluyen performance, instalación, fotografía y audiovisual. Magister en Lenguajes Artísticos Combinados (U.N.A.) y Licenciada en Arte Escénica (U.N.R.). Ha participado de exposiciones en Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, México, Colombia, Estados Unidos, España, Bélgica e India. Sus obras recientes se exhibieron en Centro Cultural Kirchner (CABA), Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes (La Plata), Espacio Idea MEC (Montevideo), Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti (CABA), Museo Jacobo Borges (Caracas), Centro Cultural San Martín (CABA) Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas y portales culturales en el ámbito nacional e internacional, entre ellos Revista Sudestada y Le Monde Diplomatique. Es autora del libro Cuántos cuerpos entran en un cuerpo. Cuaderno de Territorios (Editorial Flanbé, 2020), y coautora del libro Mujeres de Kurdistán. La revolución de las hijas del sol (Editorial Sudestada, 2017). Desde 2017 dirige Mundo Performance, plataforma de investigación en relación al arte de performance y el arte contemporáneo. Vive en Buenos Aires donde tiene su estudio y brinda talleres de performance y de autobiografía.
Roma Vaquero Diaz is a multidisciplinary argentine artist, performer and researcher. Her projects include performance, installation, photography and audiovisual. Mg. in Combined Artistic Languages (U.N.A.) and Lic. in Performing Art (U.N.R.). She has participated in exhibitions in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, USA, Spain, Bélgica and India. Her recent works were exhibited at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CABA), Provincial Museum of Fine Arts (La Plata), Espacio Idea MEC (Montevideo), Haroldo Conti Memory Cultural Center (CABA), Jacobo Borges Museum (Caracas), Cultural Center San Martín (CABA) She has published various articles in national and international magazines and cultural portals, including Sudestada Magazine and Le Monde Diplomatique. She is author of the book How many bodies go into one body. Territories Notebook (Editorial Flanbé, 2020), and she is co-author of the book Women of Kurdistan. The revolution of the daughters of the sun (Editorial Sudestada, 2017) Since 2017 she has directed Mundo Performance, a research and creation platform in relation to performance art and contemporary art. She lives in Buenos Aires where she has her studio and gives performance and autobiography workshops.