Lucila Bodelón
Lucila Bodelón nace en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Es fotógrafa,artista visual y poeta. Estudia cine impulsada por el deseo de vivir mundos y vidas inventadas, ajenas. Aprende allí mucho y organiza su mirada. De la escuela de fotografía obtiene una
maravillosa excusa para viajar y ser street photographer.
Le gusta mudarse y transitar distintos escenarios. La naturalezaes su contexto preferido para crear.La fotografía le permite unir y estar en paz entre lo real y su imaginario, es la aliada que le ayuda a comprender el mundo,colecciona cámaras y las prueba a todas.Con los años y el devenir se ha ido construyendo artista. Su maestra será siempre Marta Zátonyi.Actualmente continúa su trabajo de fotógrafa, imparte clínicas
y talleres, escribe y colabora con programas de residencias para artistas. Vive en Madrid
Lucila was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She’s a photographer,visual artist and poet. Driven by the desire to live invented and borrowed worlds and lives, she pursues her film career,where not only does she learn a lot, but also manages to organize her look or perspective on things. Furthermore, her attending to photography school gives her a wonderful excuse to travel around and become a street photographer.She likes to move around and go through and inhabit diverse scenarios. Nature is her preferred context for creation.Photography allows her to unite and make peace between thereal and her imaginary. It’s the ally who helps her understand the world. She collects cameras and tries them all.Throughout the years and the development of life, she’s beenbuilding herself as an artist. Her teacher and mentor has been and will always be Marta Zátonyi.Currently she continues her work as a photographer, dictates workshops and clinics, writes and collaborates with residency programs. She lives in Madrid.